Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter
Our History
The Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course was started in Douglas in 2018. The class was written to be an “in-house” class, but once others outside of the Douglas Fire Department heard about it, interest in the class grew and we opened the class up to outside agencies. The course is a 1 day/24 hour class that was written for newer firefighters to expand their basic skills while learning that they can push themselves, both mentally and physically, past their own expectations and still succeed on an emergency scene. The class stresses physical and mental preparedness, firefighter survival, interior search and rescue, and live fire during the class. The class size is held to a maximum of 12 students because of the class structure. Each graduating SPARTAN receives a SPARTAN number and is eligible to come back and help teach within the program.
Although the class was written by Douglas Fire Department instructors and is hosted at the Douglas Fire Department Training Facility, the Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course is a stand alone program with a SPARTAN Council consisting of 8 firefighters from throughout the state. Each class is funded through SPARTAN dues and donations. Each instructor teaches the class free of charge and actually pays dues for the opportunity to help with the program. The class is entirely free to the students. The Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course has been approved for 24 hours of continuing education by the Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training Council.
The first class was held on March 24, 2018 and consisted of 8 students and 7 instructors, all from the Douglas Fire Department. The Douglas Fire Department hosts 2 SPARTAN classes a year. We have graduates from throughout the State of Georgia and have even branched out into Alabama, Tennessee, South Carolina and Florida.


Bryson Lott
Chief Instructor
SPARTAN #1 - Douglas Fire
Captain Lott is a 25+ year veteran of the fire service and is the Training Officer at the Douglas Fire Department. He is an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he serves as a lead instructor for many of the classes offered at the academy. Bryson wrote the Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course with the help of fellow instructors from the City of Douglas Fire Department. Captain Lott serves as the Chief Instructor for the program.
Robert Beecher
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #5 - Douglas Fire
Robert is a 15+ year veteran of the fire service. He currently serves as a company officer with the Douglas Fire Department. Beecher is a graduate of Georgia Smoke Diver, Tennessee Smoke Diver, and F.L.A.M.E.S. Beecher also serves as an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy. He was a key player in the development of the Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course and serves as the Lead Instructor of the program's physical training section.

Vince Walls
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #18 - Perry Fire
Walls is a 12+ year veteran of the fire service. He currently works as a Firefighter with Perry Fire & Emergency Services. Vince serves as an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he is a lead instructor for many classes. In 2018, Walls was named the Georgia Firefighter of the Year. He is a graduate of the Georgia Guardian class and Tennessee Smoke Diver. Vince is also a graduate of the first SPARTAN class offered to outside agencies (Class 19-1). Firefighter Walls serves as the Lead Instructor over candidate and instructor safety and compliance for the program.
Robert Brackett
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #19 - Forest Park Fire
Chief Brackett is a 45 year veteran in the fire service. He retired from Forest Park Fire Department in 2020 as a Battalion Chief. Robert is an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he serves as a lead instructor for many classes. Chief is a legend in the Georgia Fire Service that garners respect from all who know him. He is a graduate of the first SPARTAN class offered to outside agencies (Class 19-1). Robert was 61 years young when he graduated the course. Chief Brackett serves as the Fire Boss (lead fire set coordinator) and photographer for the program.

John Boyd
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #25 - Columbia County Fire
Boyd is a 24 year veteran of the fire service. He currently serves as a Lieutenant in Columbia County Fire Department's Training Division. John is an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he serves as a lead instructor for many of classes. He is a graduate of the first SPARTAN class offered to outside agencies (Class 19-1). Lieutenant Boyd serves as the Lead Instructor over medical for the Georgia SPARTAN Firefighter Course.
Marcus Taylor
Council Advisor/Instructor
SPARTAN #23 - Newton County Fire
Taylor is a 17 year veteran of the fire service. He is currently assigned as a Captain in the Training Division for Newton County Fire. Marcus is an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he is a lead instructor for many classes. Taylor also has prior military service in the Army. He is a graduate of the first SPARTAN class offered to outside agencies (Class 19-1). Captain Taylor serves as an advisor to the the SPARTAN Council and Lead Instructor over Firefighter Survival and Search & Rescue for the program.

Bo Slay
Council Quartermaster/Instructor
Slay is a 18+ year veteran of the fire service. He is currently a Captain with the Georgia Fire Academy where he is responsible for multiple classes in their catalog. He is a graduate of SPARTAN Class 21-2. Captain Slay serves as the Quartermaster on the SPARTAN Council and is a Lead Instructor for the program.
Will Greene
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #9 - Douglas Fire
Greene is a 8 year veteran of the fire service. He is currently assigned as an engineer with the City of Douglas Fire Department. Will is an Adjunct Instructor with the Georgia Fire Academy where he is a lead instructor for many classes. Greene is a legacy firefighter with the Douglas Fire Department, following his father (a retired shift commander). He is a graduate of the very first SPARTAN class (Class 18-1). Engineer Greene replaced Dale Merritt on the Council and is now the live fire coordinator for the program.

Wade Carver
Council Advisor/Instructor
Carver is a 12+ year veteran of the fire service. He is currently a Sergeant with the City of Douglas Fire Department and serves as Training Chief in Atkinson County. He is a graduate of the very first SPARTAN Class. Wade serves as an advisor to the the SPARTAN Council and serves Lead Instructor and is responsible for Incident Management and Command during the class.
Dana Carver
Council Instructor
SPARTAN #15 - Douglas Fire
Carver is a 15 year veteran of the fire service. He is currently assigned as an engineer with the City of Douglas Fire Department. Dana helped instruct the very first Spartan Class and has built many of the props that is used throughout the class. Dana is well remembered as the engineer and builder of the "FAMOUS MAZE" (#FTMz) at the Douglas Fire Department training Facility. Engineer Carver replaced Scott Wiggins on the Council and is now the Logistics coordinator for the program.

SPARTAN Instructors

Bryson Lott #1
Chief Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Dale "Peanut" Merritt #2
Lead Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Scott Wiggins #3
Lead Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Robert Beecher #5
Council Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Vince Walls #18
Council Instructor
Perry Fire Department

Robert Brackett #19
Council Instructor
Forest Park Fire Department

Marcus Taylor #23
Council Instructor
Newton County Fire Department

John Boyd #25
Council Instructor
Columbia County Fire Department

Bo Slay #68
Council Instructor
Georgia Fire Academy

Lee Clements #8
Lead Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Will Greene #9
Council Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Morgan Merritt #10
Lead Instructor
Douglas Fire Department
Wade Carver #11
Council Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Sal Carrillo #20
Lead Instructor
College Park Fire Department

Chris Coogle #30
Lead Instructor
Spalding County Fire Department

Chris Thomas #35
Lead Instructor
Tifton Fire Department

Richard Bue Jr. #38
Lead Instructor
Brunswick Fire Department

Joe Petranto #39
Lead Instructor
Newton County Fire Department

Cass Harris #52
Lead Instructor
Dawson County Emergency Services

Dustin Hannula #72
Lead Instructor
Macon/Bibb Fire Department

John Tupper #74
Lead Instructor
Garden City Fire Department

Brandon Pate #75
Lead Instructor
Macon/Bibb Fire Department

Casey Wright #6
Douglas Fire Department

Dana Carver #15
Council Instructor
Douglas Fire Department

Jonathan Wright #14
Logistics/Medical Team
Coffee County Fire Department

Steven Poss #61
Medical Team
Henry County Fire Department

Ryan Brown #66
Lead Instructor
Georgia Fire Academy
Douglas Fire Department Training Facility
1212 Pope Dr.
Douglas, GA 31533